On Meaning and Memory
There works a mysterious mechanism within
us which teaches us not to touch a hot iron twice, enables us to calculate
forty divided by two, to recall what we first noticed about our favourite
teacher, and even form a sense of who we are and what our life is about. It is
a curious phenomenon which seems to decay even as it just begins to form! You
will be able to understand this statement better if you heard a 10- digit phone
number that seems easy enough to remember until when asked to repeat it! This
amazing capacity allows you to recall in great detail every colour you saw and
every sound you heard on a trip to your favourite amusement park while at the
same time, it may fail you when you try to recall some important dates from
your history lesson! This indispensable, yet sometimes amusing psychological
process is Memory!
There are many different kinds of
information that comes to our attention every day. Some of these we may
classify as irrelevant to us and these never get coded in our memory while some
other bits of information may be necessary for our functioning and performance
in our everyday tasks. These personally relevant information get coded and
stored more easily than the peripheral data. Just imagine how much easier it is
for you to remember the address of your new house than the birthday of your
father’s friend!
Information that stand out in terms of
their novelty and intensity get coded in our memories faster and are retained
for longer periods of time! A piercing noise that breaks the silence of your
exam hall gets into your memory system more readily and strongly that the sound
of a falling pencil. A funny comment in the midst of a serious lecture, for
example, makes the information distinct and hence more easily committed to
memory! Thus, the mood or the state of mind in which we receive certain
information, hugely determines how much we are going to be able to recall
later! The context in which we study such as our surroundings, background noise
(or music in some cases!) can also facilitate or impede memory.
Meaningful information get stored more
easily than non-meaningful ones. A very interesting experiment by Hermann
Ebbinghaus, one of the earliest contributors to research on memory, explained
the remarkable tendency of human beings
to induce meaning into seemingly nonsensical information in order to memorise
and recall them better! He made a list of what are called “nonsense syllables”,
which are words that have no meaning. BAX, TOJ, LIY, DEQ and the like are
examples. He also made nonsense syllables using only consonants such as DRW,
FXP, KDR which are hard to even associate with words we know already! He found
that people still attempt to induce meaning into these words and recall them!
Imagine the sheer will to meaning that we
as human beings have even when faced with recalling non-words! If only we can
adopt a more meaningful approach to information in the curriculum so that the
drudgery we associate with learning can be replaced with wonderment and