Snip of the tongue
If we were to imagine
that our lives are actually in the format of a TV sitcom, the most heard sounds
would be insane laughter from the audience and loud beeps at strategic points
in the narrative for we have a great fondness for profanity. We have begun increasingly
to resort to cuss words when faced with the task of articulating our emotions.
We’d sooner blurt out an expletive in anger and frustration, in sadness, or
even in appreciation of something, than find appropriate qualifiers of our
experience. As much as swearing seems to offer relief from built-up tension, it
can cause more harm than good when used in the long run.
Throwing around
foul words in school with the intention of causing humiliation to a classmate
constitutes a nasty form of verbal bullying and can invite unpleasant
consequences in the form of negative evaluation by teachers and maybe even
suspension. Students can run the risk of being labelled with a negative tag if
caught using profane language against others. Such isolated incidents are
enough for many to run out of favour with teachers- even if one has an
impeccable academic record.
Cussing creates a negative impression of the
individual as they may be considered to be lacking in social skills. Very often
we tend to swear when we are unable to stop and think when we are experiencing
a strong emotion and instead react instantly. This difficulty with self-control
can be misconstrued as lack of civility and surely we can do without the added
burden of a negative assessment by our peers and teachers.
If you have ever
been at the receiving end of an insulting slur made by your classmates, you
already know the toxic effects that swearing lends to the general school
environment. A culture of cussing at friends and teachers creates a hostile,
alienating and threatening climate and this greatly interferes with students’
peace of mind and eventually, the learning process.
One of the least desirable
effects of swearing, however, is that one does not learn healthy ways to
express their feelings and thoughts. Enriching one’s emotional vocabulary to
verbalise negative and positive emotions can lend more meaning and significance
to one’s experience. Use of inoffensive, alternative words to communicate why
you are upset with a situation or a person can reduce the need to use expletives. Developing appropriate strategies to
tolerate frustration/disappointment in difficult situations and to manage anger effectively
can facilitate coping rather than cussing.
Reach out to
like-minded friends that you trust and form a “buddy system” in which each
supports the other in challenging instances, such as when dealing with a difficult
teacher or an annoying classmate, and keeps you from losing your cool and
giving into cursing. Simply avoiding the person who is the cause of your anger
is a great way to contain your bad mood. Art, music, dance, and even play have
been proven time and again to promote a positive frame of mind and any kind of
physical exertion helps dissipate angry energy.
It is very
important to remember that you aren’t told not to swear by your parents and
teachers just because they enjoy doling out advice to you. Use of slang and
foul language hardly seem like any crime to people who engage in it but for the
person who is subjected to this, it constitutes verbal abuse, which is a
serious matter that schools are aware of and increasingly becoming intolerant
Let’s make a
commitment to contributing towards a safe, welcoming and healthy school
atmosphere in which differences between people on the basis of backgrounds,
opinions and ideas are celebrated and respected.