Social psychologists have termed humans
“cognitive misers”, essentially pin-pointing to the fact that we take into
consideration a very small amount of all the information that is available to
us while making a decision, be it our assessment of a new friend in class, what
group to take in high school or which of two parties to attend, among other
tougher life decisions. Here are some of the cognitive short-cuts that we tend
to take in decision-making which do help in making efficient decisions many
times but still often fall prey to
biases and errors.
Consider a situation in which you hear
about tragic road traffic accidents on and off. Such disturbing information is
high on vividness, not a very usual occurrence and is quite emotionally
charged, thereby having a strong impact on our memory. When it comes to
deciding whether you want to go on a cross country road trip or even buy your
own vehicle one day you may falter and decide otherwise based on the
availability of only negative examples of driving in your mind. Such a type of
decision-making short-cut is termed availability heuristic (heuristic=short-cut).
Assuming you have a new neighbour who
looks intelligent, is very social, has headphones on most of the time and has
wild, hair in a “I store my creativity in my unkempt curls” kind of way , what
would you evaluate his occupation to be given a choice between Band Musician
and Medicine? You may lean more towards the first
option, given his characteristics which are more representative of that
occupation but if you had to consider the actual proportion of medical students
to students of music, the chances of him being the latter is more! The success
of this heuristic thus largely lies on how well we can balance
representativeness and probability in answering a question.
Going with popular preferences (e.g in
music and technology) is another short-cut to deciding. Some situations do not
afford us the luxury of deliberating logically and in such instances we go by
our gut feeling. If our emotions at the moment, in response to the situation is
positive, we assume the risks are low and the gains are high, which is a very
helpful, energy-conserving heuristic but it may lead us into harm in some
unusual situations such as when students decide to smoke just because it is
“cool” or it is what your friends do and we just assume cancer will not affect us, just the guy standing next to us!
A very important and relevant type of
cognitive miserliness is stereotyping, which is when we attribute certain
qualities to people belonging to a certain group. Beliefs about a particular
race or religion, if strong enough, affect the way in which we assess any
person belonging to that group, without paying any attention to the individual
characteristic of that person. It is very important to be mindful of using this
heuristic in social interactions so as to keep from behaving in a prejudiced
and discriminatory manner.